Monday, February 15, 2010

Austin Marathon

Yesterday I particapted in the Austin Marathon along with a few friends. The weather was absolutely perfect which is cool with no wind. The spectators were wonderful with dozens of yard parties going off, well staffed water stations and 30 some odd excellent bands playing along the route.  We had alot more fun than you should have while Marathoning.  Pictured carrying the 3:10 pace sign is Marathoner Patrick Arrindell and coming behind him is Marathoner Allen Devino. The annoucer said the 3:10 pacer must have stopped at a few pubs on the course as it was 7 hours into the race which was nearly behind the 3:10 groups target. We found the sign abandoned around the 7 mile mark and made it our groups war banner. That is me high fiving Patrick as he crosses the finish line I had run up ahead to get some photos of them coming in. I am wearing my Marathon des Sables race pack which at the end of the race had about 15lbs in it.
Also congratulations to Marathoner Mrs. Kelly Leonard whom despite a bad IT problem at mile 24 was able to pull herself up off the curb and wipe away the tears. She finished in under 5 hours. Also to Half Marathoner Fred Devencizo who beat his goal time by over 5 minutes. The only bad part for me was standing in the pool for several minutes to make sure no sore muscles next day.  The pool felt like it was below freezing.
A truly wonderful day.

Cheers Tim


  1. This was so much fun. Worth every lost toe nail. Remember sterilize don't euthanize

  2. That is awesome. I love that picture of Patrick. I know Allen also. Tell him I said hello.
